Seeing our dogs through a trauma-informed lens lets us lead them with empathy and attunement.
Marilyn Mele

Hi, I'm Marilyn Mele...
Founder of Dog Wisdom Workshop
Creator of the Emotionally Intelligent Dog Academy
It's always been about the dogs...
When I began teaching dogs and people professionally more than 40 years ago knowledge about dogs was limited. We did our best with the information we had.
Today there's an explosion of discoveries about how dogs learn, think, and especially how dogs feel.
Dog training typically prioritizes behavior change however, the process can overlook a sensitive dog's emotional need to feel safe.
Today many family dogs are anxious, fearful, easily over-aroused, and unpredictable. Their human caregivers are at a loss for where to turn.
My signature program, the Emotionally Intelligent Dog Academy addresses the specific needs of sensitive and traumatized dogs by teaching dog parents the selected skills and practices that build confidence, resilience, self-regulation, and emotional intelligence.
The Academy is unique in that it does not include any of the common approaches to reactivity, such as behavior modification, desensitization, or obedience. When dogs feel emotionally safe, the behaviors take care of themselves!
The four pillars of the program reflect the principles of neuroscience, psychology, and embodiment: Relaxation, Movement, Patterns, and Attunement. Together they create a powerful synergy that anyone can master regardless of prior experience.
I invite you to learn more about the Academy and discover its benefits for your dog.
All my best,