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Dogs Need to Be Heard Not "Fixed"

Have you been told that your dog needs more training to "fix" unwanted reactive behaviors?  

But dogs aren't broken.  They don't need to be "fixed"; they need to be heard, acknowledged, and accepted so they can feel emotionally, physically, and psychologically safe. 

The behaviors we see are the outward expressions of internal emotional states. When we change emotions, behaviors change. 

The purpose of the Mastery Mentorship is to teach you trauma-informed skills so you can guide your dog to become self-regulated, resilient,  and secure. In other words, to be his best emotionally intelligent self.

Enroll in the Mentorship

Emotionally Intelligent Dog Academy Mastery Mentorship

The Academy Mentorship is a one-of-a-kind 12 month practicum that teaches you to guide your fearful dog to greater resilience and happiness in the real world. You'll learn to master and integrate the Four Pillars of Resilience into your lifestyle. 

Love and good intentions alone aren't enough to support fearful dogs. Yet, you can achieve a lasting transformation with proven practices that rely on your relationship with your dog.

The Four Pillars of Resilience operate synergistically:


Dogs mirror your relaxation practices so they can calm their emotions and deepen their bond with you.


Movement empowers a dog's sense of safety and agency so he can confidently make choices. 


Patterns give a dog predictability and consistency. Rhythmic activities help dogs learn to trust themselves.


Fluency in dog language lets you speak to your dog's heart from your heart and connect with healing energy.

The Framework for Building Resilience and Emotional Intelligence

The Four Pillars of Resilience are Relaxation, Movement, Patterns, and Attunement. They operate synergistically to harmonize mind and body and regulate the nervous system. 

  • A regulated nervous system can expand the dog's capacity for relaxation, grounding, and presence.
  • Free movement assists sensory processing.
  • Predictable patterns create a felt sense of safety. 
  • Attunement is the heart-centered integration of emotionally intelligent practices.

The Path from Reactive to Self-Regulated 

The first healing experience for a sensitive dog is a felt sense of safety.  We achieve this by managing the environment and empowering the dog with choices.

The path to Self-Regulation, Resilience, and Emotional Intelligence passes through Safety, Choice, and Agency. 

Leona N. & Leeloo

I learned a whole new way of thinking about Leeloo’s behaviors, and reactions, and how to best support her.    It's great to have a clearly defined path and all of the support that you offer.

Lori P. & Bo

Walks were not fun with Bo. Whining, pulling, & barking. This training helped me connect with my dog in a way I had never done before.

Wendy C. & Amber

Unlike many other trainers who work to "fix the dog" Marilyn's approach is to help the person see the dog in a more empathetic way.

What the Academy is NOT:

  • It's NOT a DIY course that you work on and finish (or not) by yourself.
  • It's NOT a subscription membership with a long menu of options.
  • It's NOT a set of lessons with tasks, tests, and deadlines.
  • It's NOT a "quick fix" for behavior problems. Your dog isn't broken - just not yet ready to cope.
  • It's NOT recycling the same "solutions" that caused the dog's anxiety in the first place.
  • It's NOT a task-focused to-do list that leaves you feeling overwhelmed.
Good! I Don't Want That!

What the Academy Promises:

  • A community of dedicated dog lovers who collaborate to reach their goals.
  • Relationship-building practices that help dogs stabilize their nervous systems and co-regulate with you.
  • A layered and incremental progression from protected practice to real-world experience.
  • Dedicated interactive student portal with instant access to lessons and resources all in one place.
  • Weekly LIVE classes and group coaching sessions on Zoom and recorded to watch later.
  • No pressure on you or your dog.  Your dog will let you know when he feels ready for the next thing.
Perfect! I Need This for My Dog!

Emotionally Intelligent Dog Academy Mastery Mentorship Enrollment


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Answers to important questions about the program: